We are delighted to invite you to the L&E Global webinars. The webinars include your essential labour and employment updates from across the globe, including: Pay transparency and pay equity; Harassment and violence in the workplace in Latin America (English & Spanish); and last but not least, Recent developments in employment law in Asia-Pacific.

Each webinar will have a duration of 1 hour or 1.5 hours, and is free of charge. You can register for the webinar(s) of your preference via the specific registration button and feel free to forward the invitation to any of your colleagues.

Please follow us on LinkedIn to stay on top of global legal developments.
Harassment and violence in the workplace – Latin America

Thursday 7 November 2024  

  • 2:00 PM Argentina, Brazil & Chile Time 
  • Noon U.S. Eastern Time, Colombia & Peru Time 
  • 11:00 AM Mexico and U.S. Central Time
  • 9:00 AM U.S. Pacific Time 
Join us for an essential webinar on Harassment and Violence in the Workplace, where we will explore the challenges organisations face in fostering a safe, inclusive, and respectful work environment in the unique legal and cultural contexts of major jurisdictions in Latin America. This webinar will provide insights into identifying, preventing, and addressing various forms of workplace harassment and violence, including physical, verbal, and psychological abuse.

Key topics include:
  • Understanding the legal framework and compliance obligations
  • Recognising early warning signs of harassment and violence
  • Implementing effective policies, reporting procedures, and preventive measures
  • Supporting victims and fostering a culture of accountability
  • Best practices for training and awareness

This webinar is ideal for HR professionals, managers, and team leaders, responsible for Latin America operations who are looking to create a safer and more respectful workplace. By the end of the webinar, participants will have actionable strategies to ensure a zero-tolerance approach to harassment and violence in their organisations.


  • Nicolás Grandi (Allende & Brea in Argentina)
  • Gabriela Lima (TozziniFreire in Brazil)
  • Bárbara Zlatar (Cariola Díez Pérez-Cotapos in Chile)
  • Ana María Rubiano (Lopez & Asociados Abogados in Colombia)
  • José Maria Galindo (De La Vega & Martínez Rojas in Mexico)
  • César Puntriano (Muñiz, Olaya, Meléndez, Castro, Ono & Herrera Abogados in Peru)
Register here!
Increasing pay transparency and pay equity: a global issue

Wednesday 12 November 2024

  • 6:00 PM Central European Time
  • 5:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time
  • Noon U.S. Eastern Time
  • 11:00 AM U.S. Central Time
  • 9:00 AM U.S. Pacific Time
Pay transparency, both as a value in itself and as an element of pay equity, is rapidly becoming a pivotal issue across the globe. Driven by legislation, regulatory activity, and cultural expectations, the rapid pace of change makes it essential for organisations to stay informed and prepared.

In this session our panel of lawyers from the U.S., UK, Ireland and Belgium will review the trends across the globe, identifying consistencies and differences, while providing valuable insights into future directions of pay transparency.

We will also explore the steps towards pay transparency/equity being taken in the U.S., UK and in the EU, including in relation to the EU Pay Transparency Directive, and will then consider how in practice organisations are dealing with this on an international scale.

Key topics will include:
  • The history and evolution of pay transparency and its relationship with pay equity
  • Where we are now in key jurisdictions and a comparative analysis of practices in the U.S., the EU, the UK amongst others
  • Practical steps and strategies for organisations 
  • Future trends and what organisations need to be doing to plan for the future 
Who should attend this session? 

This webinar will be of interest to HR directors/managers, in-house counsel, and compliance professionals from global organisations particularly those with responsibility for operations in the U.S., UK and Europe.


  • Gautier Busschaert (Van Olmen & Wynant in Belgium)
  • Aoife Bradley (LK Shields in Ireland)
  • Chris Holme (Clyde & Co in United Kingdom)
  • Joy Chin (Jackson Lewis in United States)
  • John Sander, moderator (Jackson Lewis in United States)
Register here!
Harassment and violence in the workplace 

Miércoles 13 de noviembre 2024 (in Spanish) 

  • Noon Argentina, Brazil & Chile Time
  • 10:00 AM Colombia, Peru & U.S. Eastern Time
  • 9:00 AM Mexico & U.S. Central Time
Únase a nosotros en un seminario web esencial sobre el acoso y la violencia en el lugar de trabajo, donde exploraremos los desafíos que enfrentan las organizaciones para fomentar un entorno de trabajo seguro, inclusivo y respetuoso. Esta sesión brindará información sobre cómo identificar, prevenir y abordar diversas formas de acoso y violencia en el lugar de trabajo, incluido el abuso físico, verbal y psicológico.

Los temas clave incluyen:
  • Comprender el marco legal y las obligaciones de cumplimiento
  • Reconocer las señales de advertencia tempranas de acoso y violencia
  • Implementar políticas efectivas, procedimientos de denuncia y medidas preventivas
  • Apoyar a las víctimas y fomentar una cultura de responsabilidad
  • Mejores prácticas para la capacitación y la concientización
Este seminario web es ideal para profesionales de RR. HH., gerentes y líderes de equipo que buscan crear un lugar de trabajo más seguro y respetuoso. Al final de la sesión, los participantes tendrán estrategias prácticas para garantizar un enfoque de tolerancia cero ante el acoso y la violencia en sus organizaciones.

Expertos del webinar:

  • Nicolás Grandi (Allende & Brea en Argentina)
  • Ignacia López (Cariola Díez Pérez-Cotapos en Chile)
  • Angélica Carrión (Lopez & Asociados Abogados en Colombia)
  • Regina de la Vega (De La Vega & Martínez Rojas en México)
  • César Puntriano (Muñiz, Olaya, Meléndez, Castro, Ono & Herrera Abogados en Peru)
Register here!
Recent developments in employment law - Asia-Pacific

Tuesday 3 December 2024 (90 minutes) 

  • 7:00 PM Australia Eastern Daylight Time
  • 5:00 PM Japan Time
  • 4:00 PM China, Philippines, Singapore & Taiwan Time
  • 1:30 PM India Time
  • 9:00 AM Central European Time
Stay ahead of the curve by joining our webinar on Recent Developments in Employment Law. In an ever-evolving legal landscape, it is crucial for employers, HR professionals, and legal advisors to remain informed about the latest changes and their potential impact on workplace practices and policies.
Key topics will include:
  • Updates on key employment regulations and court rulings
  • Changes to worker rights and protections
  • Implications of recent legislation on remote and hybrid work
  • Navigating evolving wage and hour laws, including pay equity and transparency
  • New trends in discrimination, harassment, and whistleblower protection laws
This webinar will provide practical insights to help you ensure compliance, mitigate legal risks, and adapt to the latest changes in employment law. Stay informed and proactive in managing your workforce in a compliant and forward-thinking manner.


  • Amy Zhang (Harmers Workplace Lawyers in Australia)
  • Carol Zhu (Zhong Lun Law Firm in China)
  • Vaibhav Bhardwaj (Khaitan & Co in India)
  • Haruhiko Sasaki  (Atsumi & Sakai in Japan)
  • Rashel Ann Pomoy (Villaraza & Angangco Law Office in the Philippines)
  • Bernadette How (Clyde & Co Clasis in Singapore)
  • Gary Chen (Lee and Li in Taiwan)
Register here!
The webinars will also be recorded. The link to the recording will be made available after the webinars.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Pascal Aarden.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at our webinars.
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