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Switzerland: Recent Developments in Paid and Unpaid Leaves

The following is a reference to the latest developments regarding paid and unpaid leaves, such as the new parent leave (formerly paternity leave) and the youth leave.

Paternity Leave Is Now Called Parental Leave

As of 1 January 2024, the term “paternity leave” was replaced with “leave for the other partner.” This was done as part of a standardization so that not only fathers but also lesbian couples are entitled to the 2 weeks of paid leave. Homosexual couples with two fathers must still make use of the legal adoption leave. Both types of leave are covered by a mandatory loss of earnings insurance and not the employer.

Upcoming Increase in Youth Leave for Charitable Activities from One to Two Weeks

Pursuant to Art. 329e CO, an employer must grant its employees up to the age of 30 one week of unpaid leave to carry out unpaid managerial, supervisory, or advisory activities in the context of extracurricular youth work in a cultural or social organization (e.g., scouts). The motion of 15.06.2023 called for the quota to be increased from one to two weeks per year. Both the National Council and the Council of States approved the motion. The motion is currently pending before the Federal Council, which has already spoken out in favour of accepting the motion. A corresponding amendment to the law is therefore expected.