France: A New Law Related to Maintaining Senior Employees in Employment is Envisaged
A collective agreement signed on 14th November 2024, between nationally represented employees and employer trade unions about the employment of senior employees is likely to be extended to apply to all companies.
The subject of keeping older employees in employment is a recurring topic since the pension scheme reform voted in 2024, which moved the statutory retirement age from 60 to 64. A collective agreement signed between nationally representative employee and employer trade unions is envisaged to be transposed by a law, making it mandatory for all companies in 2025.
Measures could include requiring companies employing more than 300 staff to be obliged at least every 3 years to open negations with trade unions on the recruitment of senior staff and on the modalities for end of careers and knowledge transfer. A “mid-career” development meeting would be mandatory for staff aged 45, an “end of career” development meeting would be mandatory for staff aged 60 and a new aided employment contract scheme would be implemented for job seekers aged 60 and over.
Key Action Points for Human Resources and In-House Counsel
Companies should identify the number of current employees aged 45 or 60 and over who could be concerned by such new measures.