- Admitted to the Paris Bar in 1996
- Society of Corporate Compliance & Ethics
- Avosial
- Le Cercle De la Compliance
Natacha holds a dual degree in Private Law from Paris 1 Sorbonne/King’s College London and a master’s degree in International Economic Law from Paris 1 Sorbonne.
- Peut-on accuser son patron d’être un bandit, un escroc et un voleur? (‘Whistleblowing: Can you accuse your boss of being a villain, a swindler or a thief?’), Le Monde, 9/11/2021
- Future loi sur la protection des lanceurs d’alerte: un casse-tête pour les RH? (‘Future whistleblower protection law: a headache for HR?’), AEF, 20/12/2021
- Du nécessaire équilibre entre devoir de loyauté, présomption d’innocence et liberté d’expression (‘The necessary balance between duty of loyalty, presumption of innocence and freedom of expression’), Semaine sociale Lamy, 14/02/2022
- Les chartes d’entreprise – Dossier – Bulletin Joly Travail – mars 2022 – n° 3 / La charte éthique : encadrement juridique périlleux d’un objet polymorphe
- Lois sur les lanceurs d’alerte : comment évaluer les impacts et ressources nécessaires ? – AEF 22 février 2022 – Dépêche n° 668146
Natacha Lesellier
- Phone
- +33 156 623 027
- lesellier@flichy.com
- Address
66 avenue d’Iéna
- Languages
- French, English
After 15 years of experience as a senior ethics practitioner for a leading multinational, Natacha Lesellier has developed a particular expertise in the areas of business ethics, compliance, human rights, diversity and inclusion, environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards and corporate social responsibility (CSR), generally.
She counsels clients, irrespective of size, type of industry or level of advancement, on a wide-range of issues (strategy, risk assessment, policies and procedures, communication and training, whistleblowing mechanisms and internal investigations) to ensure that the various needs of the client are being met. As an added benefit, Natacha’s experience with the corporate world’s diversified stakeholders, allows her to advise clients on the “soft law” expectations in these areas.
Fully bilingual, Natacha is the preferred counsel for foreign enterprises looking to implement company programs in all its French entities and for French companies seeking to deploy their programs internationally.
Natacha began her career in private practice at Gide Loyrette Nouel (an international law firm headquartered in Paris) in 1995, before moving to L’Oréal in 2001. She joined Flichy Grangé Avocats as a partner in 2021.