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Hungary | OPL Gunnercooke
Employment law firm Hungary
Employment Law Overview Hungary

Hungarian employment law

Hungarian labour law aligns with European standards, requiring only minimal content for employment contracts to be valid. In international comparison, Hungarian labour law is still pro-employee, but the legislation has included several flexible, pro-employer elements in the last decade.


Key Points

  • Contracts are generally indefinite, but fixed-term contracts are permitted with some safeguards.
  • The primary source of labour regulations is statutory law. Still, case law, particularly that of the Supreme Court, significantly impacts applying labour and employment law in practice.
  • Collective bargaining plays a limited role, and the number of collective agreements remains low (today only about 18 % of employees are covered by collective agreements).
  • Statutory minimum wages are set by government decree, with different levels applying to those with at least secondary education.
  • Family-related leave entitlements in Hungary are generally longer than in most EU countries, and employees enjoy relatively strong protection under labour law.
  • Working-time regulations are strict and protective for employees.
  • Job security is relatively high, employers must provide detailed reasoning when terminating employment.
  • There is a general cap on claims for lost income in unlawful employer termination cases set at 12 months of salary.
  • Non-EU and non-EEA citizens require residence permits to be employed in Hungary. Obtaining a residence permit involves a complex process, with conditions varying by citizenship, type of activity, qualification and special status of the employer. Employers must demonstrate efforts to fill the position locally before hiring third-country citizens.

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