Germany: Fourth Bureaucracy Reduction Act – Simplifications for HR Practice?
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| Germany
Germany: Remote, but not Out of Reach – New Guidelines Expand the Scope of the German Temporary Employment Act
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| Germany
Germany: Female Manager Receives Higher Pay Due to Unequal Treatment Compared to Male Colleagues
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| Germany
Germany: Employer Must Pay Compensation for Setting Bonus Targets Unilaterally that Should Primarily have been Subject to Agreement of the Employee
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| Germany
Germany: Successive Expiry of Vested Virtual Stock Options After Termination of Employment
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| Germany
Germany: Newest Case Law Stipulates Assumption that Employees Would Have Reached Targets the Employer Failed to Set for an Agreed Variable Remuneration, Increasing the Risk of Damage Claims
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| Germany
Germany: The Probative Value of Sick Notes can be Undermined in the Case of a Close and Timely Connection with the Notice Period
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| Germany
Germany: Changes to Works Council Remuneration Came Into Force
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| Germany
Germany: The Time Period of Parental Leave does not Count Towards Career Level in Terms of Collective Agreement
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| Germany
Germany: Female Employee is Entitled to Higher Pay in Line with the Male Comparison Group
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| Germany
Germany: The Works Council Can Have Fewer Members
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| Germany
Germany: German Statutory Regulations on General Terms and Conditions as Internationally Mandatory Law