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| Norway
Norway: Clarifications from the Anti-Discrimination Tribunal
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| Norway
Norway: Clarification from the Labour Court: Case Processing in Connection with Selection for Temporary Lay-offs
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| Norway
Norway: New Decision from the Supreme Court that Employees are Not Covered by the National Insurance Scheme Coverage During Breaks in the Home Office
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| Norway
Norway: Proposed Changes to the Holiday Act and How Holiday Pay is Accrued and Paid in Norway
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Norway: The Upper Limit for the Labour Inspection Authority’s Violation Fee Increased
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Norway: New Ruling on the Employer’s Duty to Offer Other Suitable Work in the Case of Dismissal Based on Employee’s Own Circumstances
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Norway: Revisions to the National Insurance Basic Amount (“G”)
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Norway: Amendments to the Norwegian National Insurance Act and the Cash Benefit Act
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Norway: New Ruling on Vacation Pay from the Court of Appeal
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Norway: Proposed Changes Regarding the Pension Law
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Norway: Preliminary Development in the 2024 Wage Settlement
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Norway: Court of Appeal Ruling Regarding Bonus Agreement
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