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Portugal: New rules establishing quotas for disabled workers in Portugal

New regulation was published in Portugal in January establishing minimum quotas for disabled workers that must be adopted by medium and large sized employers when engaging and organizing their workforce.

The new rules will be effective as from February the 1st and cover the following employers: (i) medium-sized enterprises (companies having between 75 and less than 250 persons employed); and (ii) large-sized enterprises (companies having 250 or more persons employed).

Only individuals affected with a disability ratio of 60% or over – according to a national disability classification table – qualify as disabled employee/worker for the purposes of assessing quota compliance.

Quotas that must be respected are the following:

  • Medium-sized enterprises: 1% quota for disabled worker; and
  • Large-sized enterprises: 2% quota for disabled worker.

The quota percentage is based on the average number of employees in the previous calendar year. A four or five year transition period is established, depending on whether the company does or not exceed 100 persons employed.