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Colombia: Local/zonal quarantines end in Bogotá as hospital`s Intensive Care Unit occupancy decreases

As COVID-19 cases decline, local quarantines are lifted, and the reopening of some economic sectors are permitted. However, some restrictive provisions are still in place, such as the limit of 40% occupation, with two (2) meters of distance between each person in closed spaces or gatherings, daily rotating mobility restrictions based on the last digit of personal ID, set schedules for the development of certain economic activities and the prohibition of public or private events that involve crowds, Bars, dance clubs, and consumption of alcoholic drinks in public spaces and commercial establishments.

In any case, the public restrictions are weekly changing according to the ICU occupancy and the CODIV-19 infection rates.



For more information on these articles or any other issues involving labour and employment matters in Colombia, please contact Alejandro Castellanos (Partner) of López & Asociados at or visit