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Colombia: UGPP Suspends COVID-19 Measures and Resumes Administrative Procedures and Parafiscal Actions

The Pension and Parafiscal Management Unit (UGPP is the acronym in Spanish) ended the measure adopted through Resolution 385 of 1 April 2020, which suspended the terms of the processes in charge of this entity, as a decision adopted in the health emergency framework for COVID-19.

The UGPP, through Resolution 140 of 2021 resumed, as of 15 March 2021, the terms in the administrative processes of determination, penalties, discussion, filing of appeal for reconsideration or direct revocation actions, and collection of the Parafiscal Contributions of Social Protection that the entity carries out.

The UGPP reports that this measure has been taken after overcoming the preparation and containment phases of the epidemic generated by the COVID-19 virus and since the nation is now in the mitigation phase, the national government defined a gradual economic opening and reactivation plan, attending the relevant biosafety protocols, allowing the population to improve living conditions during the crisis.

Finally, the entity will notify its decisions electronically, according to Article 4 of Legislative Decree 491 of 2020 following article 566-1 of the Tax Statute, being absolutely important to be aware of any communication received through the addresses reported on the RUT (Tax Identification Number) form.


For additional information on any matter related to labor issues in Colombia, please contact Alejandro Castellanos (Partner) of López & Asociados at or visit

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