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Luxembourg: Optional 3G Scheme at the Workplace in effect as of 11 February 2022

Authors: Celine Defay and Eloïse Hullar

As from 11 February 2022, the “3G” scheme is optional in the workplace. This scheme is identical to the previous “3G” scheme (control of the certificate, verification of identity, possibility to keep a vaccinated/recovered list, consequences if the person refuses to present a certificate, sanctions, etc.). Company canteens are compulsorily subject to the “3G” scheme. The validity of the vaccination certificate (without a booster) is now 270 days from the date on which the vaccination schedule is considered complete.

Key Action Points for Human Resources and In-house Counsel

If a list of vaccinated/recovered persons has been established, be careful with the current validity date of the lists and consent declarations.