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United Kingdom

UK: Women’s Health: Menopause and the Workplace

The Menopause Employment Champion has introduced a four-point plan to improve menopause support in the workplace. Initially, the plan will be focused on a few sectors – hospitality, retail, care, manufacturing, and professional and technical sector – and other sectors (including construction and education) will be brought into the programme over the coming months.

The four-point plan includes:

  • A portal for employers, which is set up by sector, to share best practice
  • A sector-based ally-ship programme for women
  • “Menopause-friendly employers” to act as advocates within a sector
  • A sector-based communications plan to improve the working lives of women in their sector, through strategic partnerships

The government’s a website, Help to Grow, will have a library of resources and guidance on the menopause for employers and employees.

Key Action Points for Human Resources and In-House Counsel

Further developments on menopause support in the workplace are anticipated following the publication of a Manifesto for Menopause by an all-party Parliamentary group. The Manifesto calls on all political parties to commit to seven reforms ahead of the next General Election, which include the following employment-related reforms:

  • Requiring employers with over 250 employees to introduce menopause action plans to support employees
  • Providing specific guidance to small businesses, to support employees going through the menopause
  • Introducing tax incentives to encourage employers to integrate menopause into occupational health

Labour has previously committed to the first two of these reforms.