United Kingdom
UK: Wellbeing: Neurodiversity
Authors: Robert Hill, Corinna Harris, and Sophie Jackson
Acas has published new advice for employers to raise awareness of neurodiversity in the workplace.
Acas has published advice, Making your organisation neuroinclusive, to help employers create inclusive workplaces and raise awareness so that talking about neurodiversity is normalised.
Acas recommends that employers:
- Review recruitment processes – provide training for interviewers on neurodiversity and consider allowing applicants to see questions before the interview
- Train and support managers
- Have a neurodiversity policy – setting out their commitment to neurodiversity inclusion and outlining available support
- Raise awareness of neurodiversity – for example through campaigns, internal networks and staff training
Key Action Points for Human Resources and In-house Counsel
The Department for Work and Pensions has launched a new expert panel to improve employment opportunities for neurodivergent people. The panel will focus on identifying actions employers can take to create more inclusive workplaces and break down barriers to opportunity for neurodivergent individuals. Its recommendations are expected this summer.