international employment law firm alliance L&E Global

López & Asociados

What clients say:

“López & Asociados has a world-class team. They offer the best analytical and professional capabilities and share a clear vision with the growth of the organisation as a priority.”

Chambers & Partners Latin America - 2025
About López & Asociados

López & Asociados is your strategic support in Labour and Employment Law practice. The office has a team of over 200 professionals oriented to accompany and support its clients in Labour and Employment Law and Social Security Law.

López & Asociados advise and represent its clients taking their strategic vision into account to guarantee their satisfaction through its legal solutions.

The firms service methodology places its clients’ needs in the starting point, recognizing their current situation and aligning the office with their strategic vision. We thus offer relevant solutions in Employment, Labour and Social Security legal issues based on our experience and quality. Due to the complexity of Employment and Labour issues, we frequently include economic, social and context solutions, approaching the matters that are brought to our attention.

Our purpose

Our purpose is our clients’ peace of mind in Employment and Labour Law matters, and our job comprises getting involved in their needs.

We understand our clients from their realities and requirements to provide support by working for their objectives and by providing legal and strategic support in Employment, Labour Law, and Social Security fields.

Our strengths

  • ADAPTABILITY: Our experience allows us to adapt to the special needs of each of our clients.
  • COMMITMENT: We provide our clients with permanent accompaniment, follow-up, advice, and trust during each stage of our service.
  • STRATEGY: We focus on meeting our clients’ goals, innovating, and building them together.
  • RESULTS: We have led relevant nationwide cases that have provided us with specialized and proven experience to solve Labour and employment issues.
  • INTEGRITY: Our collaborators are reliable, responsible professionals with high ethical values, who nurture long-lasting and transparent relationships with our clients.


To achieve its aim, the firm provides three main services covering all matters of Colombian labour law:

  • Labour and Employment Advice and Counsel
  • Representation in Trials and Litigation
  • Representation on Individual Matters Before Labour Administrative Authorities
  • Advise, counsel, and support in Collective Bargaining cases
  • Customized Analysis on economic and Labour Environment and Benefits
  • Immigration Advise
  • Audits, diagnoses, and customized Labour Projects
  • Optimization proceedings and strategic Labour Corporate Counselling
  • Labour Transformation: Analysis, diagnosis, and strategic planning.
  • Training on Labour, Employment and Social Security Law issues.
López & Asociados

70th Street N° 7-30 6th Floor - Seventh Seventieth Building
Bogotá Capital District
Google maps

+57 134 069 44

Contact person

Employment lawyers of López & Asociados

Contact us

Questions? Get in touch with our experts at López & Asociados