López & Asociados
“López & Asociados has a world-class team. They offer the best analytical and professional capabilities and share a clear vision with the growth of the organisation as a priority.”

López & Asociados is your strategic support in Labour and Employment Law practice. The office has a team of over 200 professionals oriented to accompany and support its clients in Labour and Employment Law and Social Security Law.
López & Asociados advise and represent its clients taking their strategic vision into account to guarantee their satisfaction through its legal solutions.
The firms service methodology places its clients’ needs in the starting point, recognizing their current situation and aligning the office with their strategic vision. We thus offer relevant solutions in Employment, Labour and Social Security legal issues based on our experience and quality. Due to the complexity of Employment and Labour issues, we frequently include economic, social and context solutions, approaching the matters that are brought to our attention.
Our purpose
Our purpose is our clients’ peace of mind in Employment and Labour Law matters, and our job comprises getting involved in their needs.
We understand our clients from their realities and requirements to provide support by working for their objectives and by providing legal and strategic support in Employment, Labour Law, and Social Security fields.
Our strengths
- ADAPTABILITY: Our experience allows us to adapt to the special needs of each of our clients.
- COMMITMENT: We provide our clients with permanent accompaniment, follow-up, advice, and trust during each stage of our service.
- STRATEGY: We focus on meeting our clients’ goals, innovating, and building them together.
- RESULTS: We have led relevant nationwide cases that have provided us with specialized and proven experience to solve Labour and employment issues.
- INTEGRITY: Our collaborators are reliable, responsible professionals with high ethical values, who nurture long-lasting and transparent relationships with our clients.
To achieve its aim, the firm provides three main services covering all matters of Colombian labour law:
- Labour and Employment Advice and Counsel
- Representation in Trials and Litigation
- Representation on Individual Matters Before Labour Administrative Authorities
- Advise, counsel, and support in Collective Bargaining cases
- Customized Analysis on economic and Labour Environment and Benefits
- Immigration Advise
- Audits, diagnoses, and customized Labour Projects
- Optimization proceedings and strategic Labour Corporate Counselling
- Labour Transformation: Analysis, diagnosis, and strategic planning.
- Training on Labour, Employment and Social Security Law issues.

López & Asociados
Bogotá Capital District
Google maps
+57 134 069 44
Contact person
Employment lawyers of López & Asociados

- Member of Colombian Labour Bar Association since 2001
- Member of Board of Directors of the Labour Bar Association in different periods (currently Member of Board of Directors of the Labour Bar Association (2021-2022)
- Member of several associations such as International Bar Association (IBA)
- Member of Women’s Law network WLN
- Representative of López & Asociados in the Gender Equity Committee of ANDI
- Lawyer from Externado of Colombia University (Class 110) (1996).
- Specialist in Contract Law and Legal Business Relations from Externado of Colombia University (2001).
- Master’s Degree in Labour and Social Security Law from Rey Juan Carlos University. Spain (2018)
- Master’s Degree in Labour and Social Security Law from Pontificia Javeriana University (2020).
- Chambers & Partners – 2022 – Band 3 in Labor Law and Social Security- Recognized since 2012.
- Chambers Angelica Carrión
- Legal 500 2022 – Leading Individuals / Recognized as a “Leading Individual” in the 2022 directory.
- CHAMBERS & PARTNERS. Law and practice Colombia for Global Practice Guide Employment published by Chambers and partners (2019).
- LEGIS. Biosecurity measures the challenge of the post-covid reopening in Colombia for Labour and Social Security News from Legis Journal (2020).
- INESEM BUSINESS SCHOOL. Strike and Democratic Rules published online by INESEM Business School (2020).
Angélica María Carrión Barrero
- Phone
- +57 134 069 44
- angelica.carrion@lopezasociados.net
- Address
Calle 70 # 7 - 30 piso 6
Edificio Séptima Setenta
+57 134 069 44
- Languages
- Spanish, English
In her professional career of more than 24 years, Angélica has developed a flexible work style that allows her to support diverse teams and in different sectors, with the ability to listen and respond diligently, proactively seeking solutions that meet the interests of the parties and in general to exercise her activity within the highest ethical standards, always putting the best effort to achieve the proposed objectives. Since 2006, she has led processes in important transactions with national and international impact, which have allowed her to consolidate a strategic vision focused on the client. In her role, she is in charge of providing legal, strategic and practical guidelines to offer a Labour counselling service of highest quality, guaranteeing timely attention to our clients.
Publications by Angélica María Carrión Barrero

- Member of Colombian Labour Bar Association
- Member of the Committee of Labor Lawyers of ACRIP
- Member of International Bar Association
- Member of Javeriana Bar Association
- Lawyer from Pontificia Javeriana University (2001).
- Specialist in Labour and Social Security Law from Pontificia Javeriana University (2004).
- Governor of the Colombian Bar Association of Labour Lawyers (Period 2017-2018).
- Board of Directors of the Colombian Labour Bar Association, 2019 and 2022.
- Member of the Colombian Delegation to the 108th Session of the International Labour Conference.
- Chambers & Partners 2022 – Band 3 in Labor Law and Social Security – Recognized since 2018.
- INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION. Employment and Industrial Relations Law. Newsletter of the International Bar Association Legal Practice Division. “Impact of the final peace agreement executed between the Colombian Government and FARC-EP on Colombian Labour Law”. Author: Alejandro Castellanos López. International Bar Association. (Vol. 27, April 2017)
- LEGIS PUBLISHERS. Journal of Labour and Social Security News. “Petition for direct reparations for full compensation of damages for harassment at work against public employees.” Authors: Juan Pablo López Moreno and Alejandro Castellanos López (ISSN 0123-9899 No. 209. Legis Publishers. Bogotá, September-October 2018).
- TIRANT LO BLANCH, “Labour GPS, Professional Guide” published by Tirant lo Blanch, Editorial Group. Bogotá, Colombia. Co-author. (2019)
- COLOMBIAN LABOUR BAR ASSOCIATION, Social Law, “Labour Judicial Process Online: Decree 806 of 2020” Authors: Alejandro Castellanos López and Nicolás Rueda Cotes, No. 70, November 2021. Of Colombia, “Extraordinary Appeals in Labour Law.” Colombian Labour Bar Association. Co-author (2020).
Alejandro Miguel Castellanos López
- Phone
- +57 134 069 44
- alejandro.castellanos@lopezasociados.net
- Address
Calle 70 # 7 - 30 piso 6
Edificio Séptima Setenta
+57 134 069 44
- Languages
- Spanish, English
Alejandro has developed important skills in the definition of legal defense strategies at a national level in Labour and Social Security Law for companies in various economic sectors. During his professional career in the firm, Alejandro has focused his skills in attending judicial proceedings, which has allowed him to consolidate an area that manages more than 13,000 active processes. Currently, as Director of the area, he is in charge of defining judicial defense strategies and, along with his team, he represents companies in individual, collective and social security labour law before the ordinary labor jurisdiction and the contentious-administrative jurisdiction.

- Member of Colombian Labour Bar Association
- Lawyer from Externado of Colombia University (2006).
- Specialist in Labour Law from Pontificia Javeriana University (2008).
- Master’s in Labour Law and Social Security from Pontificia Javeriana University (2020).
- Legal 500 2022 – Next Generation Partners
- Legal 500 Rocio Lagos Recommended Lawyer and Rising Star, Legal 500
- TIRANT LO BLANCH. “Labour GPS, Professional Guide” published by Tirant lo Blanch Editorial Group. Bogotá, Colombia (2019)
- TIRANT LO BLANCH. Labour Law Vademecum, published by Tirant lo Blanch Editorial Group, Bogotá, Colombia (2021)
Rocío Lagos Prieto
- Phone
- +57 134 069 44
- rocio.lagos@lopezasociados.net
- Address
Calle 70 # 7 - 30 piso 6
Edificio Séptima Setenta
+57 134 069 44
- Languages
- Spanish
During her professional career, Rocío has participated in more than two hundred (200) collective bargaining tables and has advised more than sixty (60) arbitration tribunals. She has skills that allow her to solve collective conflicts, achieving favorable agreements for clients, always aligned with the strategic objectives of the companies. She leads the Labour Relations area, which oversees advising and counseling companies from different economic sectors in collective bargaining processes with trade unions and is responsible for generating strategies for arbitration tribunals and proceedings before the Ministry of Labour of collective nature, outsourcing and public employment service.
Publications from Colombia

Member of the Labour Lawyers Committee of the National Association of Industrialists (ANDI).
- Lawyer from Pontificia Javeriana University (1993).
- Specialist in Labour Law and Social Security from Pontificia Javeriana University (1994).
- Candidate for a Master’s Degree in International Protection of Human Rights, Public Policies and Sustainability from Alfonso X El Sabio University, Madrid- Spain.
- Chambers & Partners 2022 – Band 1 Labour & Employment (Ranked for 12 years)
- In 2021 he was ranked as “Star Individuals” in the “Labour and employment” category by Chambers & Partners.
- Legal 500 2022 – Leading individuals / Recognized by the publication since 2013 consecutively as a Leading Lawyer in the practice of Labour Law and Social Security in Colombia.
- Legal 500 – Leading individual
- Colegio de Abogados del Trabajo. “Trayectorias y retos del derecho del trabajo y la seguridad social en Colombia”. (2008).
- Legis Editores. Revista de Actualidad Laboral y Seguridad Social. “Acción de reparación directa para la indemnización plena de perjuicios por acoso laboral frente a empleados púbicos” Autores: Juan Pablo López Moreno y Alejandro Castellanos López (ISSN 0123-9899 No. 209. Bogotá, Septiembre-Octubre de 2018).
Juan Pablo López Moreno
- Phone
- +57 134 069 44
- jplopez@lopezasociados.net
- Address
Calle 70 # 7 - 30 piso 6
Edificio Séptima Setenta
+57 134 069 44
- Languages
- Spanish, English
Juan Pablo is the Managing Director of the firm. His extensive experience of more than 25 years in the market has positioned him as an expert in Labour conflict resolution and a strategic consultant in Labor Relations, which has led him to be recognized by the most important international publications. He has advised some of the main companies and economic groups in the country, becoming a reference in this field. He has actively participated in the academic field as director of the Labour Law department of the Pontificia Javeriana University, and the postgraduate degree in Labor Law and Social Security of the same University. He designed, implemented, and now directs the Master of Labour Law and Social Security.
Publications from Colombia

- Member of Colombian Labour Bar Association
- Lawyer from Pontificia Javeriana University (2011).
- Specialist in Tax Law from Pontificia Javeriana University (2012).
- Master’s in Labour and Social Security Law from Rey Juan Carlos University (2019).
- Master’s in Labor and Social Security Law – Magna Cum Laude and Order of Academic Merit from the Pontificia Javeriana University (2020)
Legal 500
- Member of Colombian Labour Bar Association
- Member of Javeriana Bar Association
- TIRANT LO BLANCH. Labour Law Vademecum, published by Tirant lo Blanch Editorial Group, Bogotá, Colombia (2021)
- TIRANT LO BLANCH. Chapter: The representativeness of women in union practice: is there female representation in all industries? Or is it only in those trades that are stereotyped as women’s work? Labour and Women – A Gendered Reading of Labour Law in Colombia, published by Tirant lo Blanch Editorial Group, Bogotá, Colombia (2020).
- INESEM BUSINESS SCHOOL. Collective Bargaining in Spain Existing Industry, Applied to the Colombian Regime, INESEM Business School Legal-Research Articles. Madrid, Spain (2020).
- TIRANT LO BLANCH. Chapter I: Introduction to Individual Labour Law -Labour GPS, Professional Guide published by Tirant lo Blanch, Editorial Group. Bogotá, Colombia (2019)
- COLOMBIAN LABOUR BAR ASSOCIATION. Chapter I: Trade Unions (Art. 353 – 404 Substantive Labour Code). Theoretical and Practical Compendium of Labour Law, Joint Edition between Legis Publisher and the Colombian Labour Bar Association, Bogotá, Colombia (2013).
Ana María Rubiano Delgado
- Phone
- +57 134 069 44
- anamaria.rubiano@lopezasociados.net
- Address
Calle 70 # 7 - 30 piso 6
Edificio Séptima Setenta
+57 134 069 44
- Languages
- Spanish, English
Ana María has built her career in the firm since 2009, where she started as an intern and after having developed client-focused skills with great technical strength, she has consolidated herself as one of the leaders of the Labour Corporate Counselling team. Her professional career allows her to have a clear and strategic vision of the client’s needs, providing solid and timely solutions that generate value, confidence and peace of mind when dealing with labour issues of greatest importance to companies. Currently in her role, she oversees the legal administration and structuring of legal strategies to provide guidance to the Firm’s clients’ consulting services.