Suárez de Vivero
What clients say:
“The attention provided by Suárez de Vivero is immediate and very personal.”
Chambers & Partners Europe - 2023

About Suárez de Vivero
Suárez de Vivero is a leading law firm in Spain specialised in employment law, employee benefits, pensions and social security. Since its origin in 1975, it has focused on offering its clients a wide range of legal services concentrating mainly on negotiations, litigation and company restructuring, and other non-juridical areas closely related to the labour aspects of a company, such as economical and organisational engineering.
International directories Chambers and Partners, The Legal 500, Who’s Who Legal and Best Lawyers, among others, recognise the firm’s partners for their comprehensive expertise by industry insiders.

Suárez de Vivero
Plaza Europa 9-11, 15 D Torre Inbisa
08908 Barcelona
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Calle General Diaz Porlier nº 57, 1A
28006 Madrid
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+34 932 956 000
08908 Barcelona
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Calle General Diaz Porlier nº 57, 1A
28006 Madrid
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+34 932 956 000