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Italy: Employment Relationships Suspended with the Opening of Judicial Liquidation and Redundancies Without Prior Consultation
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| Portugal
Portugal: Supreme Court Standardizes Jurisprudence on Compensation Return in Dismissal Challenges
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| Italy
Italy: The Sixty-Day Term to Challenge Dismissal Under Constitutional Review
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| France
France: Sexist Behaviour Can Justify a Dismissal Even if the Employer Has Not Taken Any Disciplinary Action in the Past
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| Canada
Canada: The Court Clarifies IME May Be Necessary to Test Plaintiff’s Explanation for Failure to Mitigate Damages
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| Canada
Canada: Making a Promise Can Cost Employers Dearly
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Norway: The Upper Limit for the Labour Inspection Authority’s Violation Fee Increased
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Italy: Employee’s Relocation to a Different Workplace Following a Reinstatement Order is Unlawful
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Ireland: WRC Awards Record Compensation to Former Senior Executive of Twitter
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Germany: The Probative Value of Sick Notes can be Undermined in the Case of a Close and Timely Connection with the Notice Period
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France: Dismissing an Employee Who Initiates Legal Proceedings and/or Testifies in Favour of Another Employee can be Deemed Null and Void
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Argentina: Labour Reforms
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