L&E Global Webinar: Vaccination and Employment: Considerations for Employers
Date: Thursday, 18 February 2021
Time: 6 p.m. CET / noon Eastern time
Duration: 60 Minutes
Now that the vaccination process in countries has started, difficult issues for employers arise. Can the employer ask a candidate in an interview whether he has received a vaccination and require proof of same? Can the employer make vaccination a condition of hiring or continued employment? Is a specific business necessity beyond the employer’s general duty of care needed to justify a vaccination requirement? If a vaccination requirement is valid, what duties of accommodation of religious beliefs, disability status or other characteristics does the employer have? In this webinar you will get answers to these data privacy and employment questions. Of course, you will have the opportunity to ask all questions you have!
We invite you to view the final presentation of this webinar by clicking on the icon below:
• Avik Biswas (IndusLaw in India)
• Pedro Diaz-Torres (Jackson Lewis in USA)
• Frédéric-Guillaume Laprévote (Flichy Grangé Avocats in France)
• Gabriela Lima (TozziniFreire Advogados in Brazil)