international employment law firm alliance L&E Global

L&E Global webinar: Vaccination issues for employers in Asia-Pacific

Webinar date and time
On demand

The COVID-19 vaccine rollout is underway throughout the globe, and employers worldwide are confronted with complex issues as they protect the health and safety of their workforces while avoiding infringement of the rights of individual employees. In this webinar, we will discuss some of the unique questions arising in the Asia-Pacific region:

  • Can the employer require employees to be vaccinated, and if so must exceptions or accommodations be made on religious or medical grounds? What types of disciplinary action may be taken against employees who refuse to be vaccinated?
  •  What are the wage-hour implications of time expended getting vaccinations or leaves due to vaccination side effects?
  • Is the employer which requires vaccination liable for expenses or damages arising from illness or injury sustained through an adverse reaction to the vaccine?
  • If the employer does not require vaccination, must it accommodate employees who refuse to work with unvaccinated employees?
  • Can an employer which chooses not to require vaccination instead incentivize employees to be vaccinated (e.g. through bonuses, vouchers, additional time off, etc.)?

In this webinar a panel of lawyers from Australia, China, India, Japan and Singapore will answer these questions and share best practices.
• Sowmya Kumar (IndusLaw in India)
• Thomas Choo (Clyde & Co Clasis in Singapore)
• John Sander, moderator (Jackson Lewis in United States)
• Tatsuo Yamashima (Atsumi & Sakai in Japan)
• Amy Zhang (Harmers Workplace Lawyers in Australia)
• Carol Zhu (Zhong Lun Law Firm in China)