Jackson Lewis among Law 360’s Best Law Firms for Female Attorneys
L&E Global is proud to announce that Jackson Lewis P.C. has once again been included among Law 360’s list of “The 100 Best Law Firms for Female Attorneys” based on their female representation at the partner and non-partner levels and their total number of female attorneys.
Mr. Vincent A. Cino, Chairman of Jackson Lewis P.C. noted that, “We have long considered ourselves to be at the forefront of fostering the promotion of women in the legal profession and it is gratifying to see our efforts acknowledged, especially considering that Law 360’s report found that the legal industry in general has struggled to make progress in giving women opportunities to shine. We firmly believe the achievement of women within our firm has been a key to Jackson Lewis’ growth and success over the years, and recognize the importance of continuing to build and nourish a workplace where women can succeed. We remain committed to removing professional barriers and creating new opportunities that allow our female attorneys to advance and thrive within the firm.”
L&E Global is also pleased to announce that Jackson Lewis was ranked 2nd in Law 360’s list of the “Top 10 Biglaw Firms for Women.” “This is really ‘a big deal’ and a true testament to Jackson Lewis’ culture of inclusion,” said Mr. Cino.
The report noted that, “Jackson Lewis has worked to find ways for all attorneys to reach partnership and has the highest percentage of overall female partners of these 10 firms. The firm says its high concentration of females in partnership partly stems from the nature of employment law, in which the first client contact is usually advising, not litigation. This “allows junior lawyers to begin client contact early on and develop relationships,” said Samantha Hoffman, co-chair of Jackson Lewis’ women’s attorney resource group and managing partner of the firm’s Orange County, California, office. “In other firms, you don’t have client contact until a few years out of law school.” In addition to giving young attorneys hands-on experience, Hoffman emphasized that advancing female attorneys requires a top-down approach. “Promoting women starts from the top of an organization and goes down, and it requires men to recognize women and female attorneys and provide them with those opportunities,” she said.
L&E Global congratulates Jackson Lewis on its commitment to diversity, which is a business model that the entire legal community can be proud of and one that others will hopefully work to replicate, in order to ensure that firms throughout the globe adequately reflect the outstanding contributions from female attorneys!