international employment law firm alliance L&E Global

HRD Service Provider Awards 2017 honours Harmers with Gold Medal in Employment Law

L&E Global is proud to announce that our member firm in Australia, Harmers Workplace Lawyers , was selected as the gold medal winner in the inaugural Human Resources Director (“HRD“) magazine’s HR Service Provider Awards. Judged by a panel of senior HR Directors, these awards seek to recognise HRs most valued business partners across Australia.

HRD highlighted that, “Gold winner Harmers Workplace Lawyers has been a pioneer in this space and has won multiple accolades for exceptional services to clients since its establishment 21 years ago. The firm’s people and workplace (P&W) team has focused on providing advice that is both innovative and valuable in the face of the rapid transformation they are seeing in the way workplaces function. A unique point of difference to competitors is that they challenge the historical approach of getting employment lawyers involved only at the point of escalation, instead shifting their client’s focus towards risk management and promoting positive culture in the workplace, as well as anticipating issues and working strategically with a client before matters escalate. One judge noted: “I’m impressed with the depth of knowledge shown by the Harmers team. It’s something I appreciate as an HR director: in-depth knowledge of my business and what we do.”

Michael Harmer, Chairman & Senior Team Leader at Harmers Workplace Lawyers, was gracious in his acceptance, saying, “We extend our sincere gratitude to our clients who enable us to undertake the worthwhile work we do.”

Harmers’ unique approach to client services and the firm’s expertise in employment law, both nationally and across borders, is a hallmark of L&E Global’s commitment to deliver consistent, high-quality legal services to employers wherever they operate.



For more information please contact Joseph Granato, Communications Manager at L&E Global at