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Mexico: The Federal Conciliation and Arbitration Labour Board condemned the Miner’s Union to the payment of US $55 million dollars to thousands of workers who rendered services for ‘Minera Cananea’

The Federal Conciliation and Arbitration Labour Board condemned the Miner’s Union to the payment of US $55 million dollars to thousands of workers who rendered services for ‘Minera Cananea’.

After seven years of trial, the Federal Labour Board resolved the claims filed by several groups of workers who alleged that the resources deposited in their favour by ‘Grupo Mexico’ in a trust were never delivered to them.

The Miner’s Union may still file an Appeal Proceeding (Juicio de Amparo) so that a Federal Collegiate Court reviews the case.

Napoleon Gomez Urrutia, ex leader of the Miner’s Union (currently the Union’s President), is now exiled in Vancouver Canada for presumed unlawful management of resources, which derived in charges for fraud and money laundering. He argues political prosecution from the Mexican Government and has the strong support of Canadian unions, as well as the backing of the USA Steel Workers Union.

He is also running for the Senate in the ticket of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, from ‘Morena’, the survey’s leading candidate for Mexico’s Presidential Elections of next July 1st.  However, the Electoral Court of the Federal Judicial Branch still has to resolve if Gomez Urrutia’s waiver to his Canadian citizenship is enough to quit considering that he has a double nationality, otherwise he will not be able to continue running for the Senate.

If Lopez Obrador wins the Presidential Elections and Gomez Urrutia is back in Mexico as Senator, a more active union landscape will be created across the country.