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Mexico: “Inspection Program released by the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare for 2019”

On 31 July, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare released the Inspection Program for 2019, the main purpose of which seeks the modification of the survey scheme for the legal labour normativity fulfillment, to discourage abusive outsourcing, sub register, as well as promote security, health and safety in the employment and the fulfillment of legal obligations regarding capacitation.

The relevant aspects of the program are:

  • Federal Employment Inspectors specialised by certifications, courses and homologation processes.
  • Simplify the normativity and implementing new technologies for Inspections.

Additionally, the number of visits of the focalised and specialised inspections will increase to high risk working centers such as:

  • Coal mines.
  • Agricultural fields.
  • Orientation and assessment of the production factors.
  • Child labour.

It is foreseen that during 2019, the government will perform around 31,231 effective inspections regarding safety, security, hygiene, capacitation and training as well as general work conditions, increasing the inspection visits from 54% in 2018 to 72% in 2019.