international employment law firm alliance L&E Global
United Kingdom

UK: New guidance for employers on reasonable adjustments for mental health and on menopause and menstrual health published


The Acas Reasonable Adjustments for Mental Health guidance provides practical tips for employers and employees, and covers a range of topics including:

  • What reasonable adjustments for mental health are
  • Examples of reasonable adjustments for mental health
  • Responding to employee requests for reasonable adjustments for mental health
  • Managing employees with reasonable adjustments for mental health, and
  • Reviewing policies with mental health in mind.

A new national standard to help employers manage menopause and menstrual health and retain women for longer has been published by the national technical standards body.  BS30416 gives examples of good practice for employers and sets out recommendations for policies, work design, workplace culture and physical environment.

Key Action Points for Human Resources and In-house Counsel

These are useful new resources for employers.  The creation of this British Standard on menstrual and menopausal health reflects the increasing awareness of these issues and recognition of how they can impact women in the workplace.