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Türkiye: Changes Made in Some of the Hazard Classifications  

Authors: Ipek Unlu Tik and A. Kaan Baser

A communique concerning changes in hazard classifications has been published to remove some of the hazard classes and include new classes. 

The Communique concerning changes in hazard classifications (“Communique”) has been published in the National Gazette, numbered 32, 276. Accordingly, some hazard classes have been removed and new hazard classes have been included. 

The removed classes are as follows: 

Class Explanation  Hazard Class 
Electricity trading for consumers (excluding brokers and agents)  Low 
Production activities concerning movies, videos, and television programmes (including documentary productions)  Medium 
Activities for earning on movable assets (dividends, bank interests, profits in shares, etc.)  Low 


The newly included classes are as follows: 

Class Explanation  Hazard Class 
Electricity trading for consumers (excluding brokers and agents, and activities for charging stations for electric vehicles)  Low 
Activities for charging stations for electric vehicles (cars, motorcycles, laptops, cell phones, etc.)  Medium 
Production activities concerning movies, videos, and television programmes (including documentary productions; excluding production and broadcasting activities of influencers and vloggers)  Medium 
Production and broadcasting activities for video contents (e.g., influencers and vloggers)  Medium 
Activities for earning on movable assets (including dividends, bank interests, profits in shares, etc.; excluding earning wages)  Low 
Activities for earning wages (per diem, etc.)  Low 
Activities of joint health and safety units  Medium 


Key Points

  • Some hazard classes have been removed. 
  • New hazard classes have been included.