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Portugal: New Employment Incentives: “Estágios INICIAR”, “+Emprego”, and “Programa + Talento” Now in Effect

Following the publication of Decrees No. 219/2024, 220/2024, and 221/2024, three government measures to support employment creation and internships have come into effect. These programs are designed to promote the hiring of unemployed individuals and provide financial support to companies.

Key Measures:

  • “Estágios INICIAR”: This initiative supports internships for unemployed individuals with non-higher qualifications (levels 4 or 5 of the National Qualifications Framework – QNQ). The internships can last up to 6 months or 12 months for individuals with disabilities. Companies can receive financial contributions from the IEFP (Institute for Employment and Vocational Training) covering between 65% and 80% of internship grants, as well as meal allowances, transport expenses, and work accident insurance.
  • “+Emprego”: This measure encourages companies to sign employment contracts with unemployed individuals registered with the IEFP. Companies participating in this program can receive financial support equivalent to 12 times the value of the IAS (Social Support Index – currently € 509,26), with potential increases of up to 35% for specific cases, such as hiring individuals under 35. The program requires companies to create new jobs and maintain the employment contracts for a minimum of 24 months.
  • “+Talento”: This measure targets young unemployed individuals with higher qualifications (level 6 or above on the QNQ) and includes two components: “Estágios +Talento” and “Emprego +Talento”. Companies can receive financial support of up to 18 times the IAS value, with additional increases in cases such as hiring individuals with disabilities or long-term unemployed individuals.


These measures took effect on 24 September 2024 and are awaiting further regulation from the IEFP, which is expected within 30 working days.