Zambelli & Partners
“Angelo has a strong understanding of the company’s dynamics and is willing to learn about the business to better respond to the client’s needs.”

The firm Zambelli & Partners has extensive experience in employment law, industrial relations and related litigation, as well as an in-depth knowledge of the legislative and regulatory system governing employment relationships.
The team Zambelli & Partners is made up of professionals with proven in-court experience and an in-depth knowledge of the complex and articulated Italian legislation, also in the context of European Union law.
As a consultant of industrial, financial and commercial companies and corporate groups, the firm offers ongoing assistance to clients in matters relating to:
- Employment law
- Trade union law and industrial relations
- Providing its clients with strategic advice
- Assisting in the day-to-day management, and
- Solving of any labour disputes.
The team has also successfully addressed many legal disputes relating to all labour law issues and has managed numerous reorganisations of companies in the engineering and steel, chemical and pharmaceutical, petrochemical and publishing sectors, as well as finance and credit.
The firm furthermore assists top managers in the stages of contractualisation and termination of employment, including any resulting litigation.

Zambelli & Partners
Contact person
Employment lawyers of Zambelli & Partners

- AGI (Associazione Giuslavoristi Italiani; Italian Labour Lawyers Association),
- AIDP (Associazione Italiana per la Direzione del Personale; Italian Association of Personnel Management)
- EELA (European Employment Lawyers Association)
- Degree in Law, University of Milan, 1996
- Admitted to practice law in Italy, 2001
- Admitted to practice before the Supreme Court, 2015
Chambers reports on Barbara Grasselli: “Sources praise her for being very efficient and quick in responding to clients’ requests. She is also described as very clever and pragmatic. Clients speak at length about her, reporting that she is determined in negotiations» as well as «available, always providing the right solution and answering to company requests. She has experience in a range of employment matters including redundancy plans and litigation”
– Chambers
Top Legal listed the Team among the leaders in Italy in the field of Employment Law: “Barbara Grasselli is appreciated for her in-depth knowledge of the subject and of negotiation techniques”
– TopLegal
Who’s Who Legal
WWL quotes Barbara Grasselli as follows: “She has impressive skills, knowledge and experience” “Her relationship management is excellent” “Barbara has a strong grasp of the business issues at stake”
– Who’s Who Legal
Legal 500
Legal 500 says about Barbara Grasselli: “she brilliantly provides assistance with internal reorganization processes and with the termination of the relationships with company employees (even at top level), guiding the negotiation in the most effective for the company. She has always acted in person without making excessive use of collaborators”
– Legal 500
- Co-author, “Guida Pratica al Diritto Sindacale” (Practical Guide to Trade Union Law), Il Sole 24 Ore, Fourth Edition 2010/Co-author, “Guida Pratica al Diritto Sindacale” (Practical Guide to Trade Union Law), Il Sole 24 Ore, Third Edition, 2007
- Co-author, “Guida pratica al licenziamento e alle sanzioni disciplinari” (Practical Gude to Dismissals and Disciplinary Procedures), Il Sole 24 Ore, Fourth Edition 2012/Co-author, “Guida pratica al licenziamento e alle sanzioni disciplinari” (Practical Gude to Dismissals and Disciplinary Procedures), Il Sole 24 Ore, Second Edition, 2006
- Author of case-law review on agency contracts published by Guida al Lavoro (Il Sole 24 Ore)
- Author of case-law review on agency contracts published by Agenti & Rappresentanti (Il Sole 24 Ore) from 2001 to 2007
Barbara Grasselli
- Phone
- +39 020 203 0830
- Address
Via San Damiano 9
20122 MI
+39 020 203 0830
- Languages
- Italian, English
Barbara has a significant experience in employment law and industrial relations. She advises domestic and foreign clients in implementing and managing personnel restructuring plans, in dealing with business crisis situations as well as in procedures involving the relocation of business. She assists clients in labour-law issues over both the pre-litigation and the litigation stage. She has a wide experience in agency relationships, thus assisting clients in drafting agency contracts as well as in managing the relevant litigation.
Publications from Italy

- AGI (Associazione Giuslavoristi Italiani; Italian Labour Lawyers Association)
- AIDP (Associazione Italiana per la Direzione del Personale; Italian Association of Personnel Management)
- Admitted to practice before the Supreme Court, 2015
- Admitted to practice law in Italy, 2002
- Degree in Law, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan, 1997
Who’s Who Legal
In WWL Alberto Testi is defined as:
“Alberto enjoys a sterling reputation thanks to his adept handling of disputes and out-of-court settlements relating to employment and labour law and corporate restructurings.”
“Alberto is excellent at explaining local laws and rules.”
“He has deep expertise in employment law.”
“Alberto is a very helpful practitioner.”
– Who’s Who Legal
Alberto Testi
- Phone
- +39 02 020 308 30
- Address
Via San Damiano 9
20122 MI
+39 02 020 308 30
- Languages
- Italian, English
Alberto has significant experience in the handling of disputes and out-of-court settlements, with particular regard to executive employment relationships, the implementation of company transfers procedures and the planning and implementation of restructuring, reorganisation and downsizing plans for companies belonging to national and international groups.
Publications from Italy

- AGI, Italian Employment Lawyers Association (AGI – Avvocati Giuslavoristi Italiani)
- AIDP, Italian HR Managers Association (AIDP – Associazione Italiana per la Direzione del Personale)
- EELA (European Employment Lawyers Association)
- ABA (American Bar Association)
- IBA (International Bar Association)
- AELC (American Employment Law Council)
- Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy, 1987, J.D., (magna cum laude)
- Admitted to practice law in Italy, 1992
- Admitted to practice before the Italian Supreme Court, 2004
Legalcommunity Labour Awards:
- “Industrial Relations Lawyer of the Year” in 2021, 2013 and 2012
- “Best Lawyer of the Year for Restructuring” in 2020
- “Best Lawyer of the Year” in 2017, 2015 and 2014
Le Fonti Awards:
- “Employment Lawyer of the Year” in 2021 and 2018
“He is incredibly skilled and extremely tough: he drives the process forward with his focused and results-oriented attitude.”
“A fantastic lawyer who is of a very high quality with long-term vision and business acumen.”
“Aside from his legal skill, he offers a strategy on how to approach any single matter.”
“He has extensive knowledge of company reorganisation and downsizing, he advises clients on industrial relations matters as well as representing them in negotiations. He also has a wealth of experience representing leading corporates in litigation relating to breaches of non-competition obligations and unfair dismissals.”
– Chambers
Who’s Who Legal has included Angelo Zambelli among the four “Most Highly Regarded” lawyers on the Italian territory with regard to Labour, Employment & Benefits.
“A pre-eminent name in the Italian labour, employment and benefits market and boasts outstanding experience relating to agency agreements and restructuring. He sits among the very elite of labour and employment specialists in Italy and is praised for his speediness, efficiency and straightforward approach.”
“A greatly respected figure in the region whom sources praise for his capacity for understanding the issue and risks, reformulating the problem and finding solutions with a minimum of risk to reach the goals; very flexible, efficient and highly competent, the absolute best in the country.”
“Highly esteemed for his efficiency in dealing with highly complex workplace problems and his strong business acumen.”
“With a stellar reputation, he is one of the very top practitioners in the field and the best for pensions and employment law; a standout in the Italian market, noted as an expert negotiator when it comes to benefits and compensation packages.”
– Who’s Who Legal
Angelo Zambelli has been included in the Hall of Fame of The Legal 500 for several years.
“Undoubtedly a recognized professional and known in the national legal community, who unlike others has a strong strategic vision and a distinctive standing in the field of executive relations.”
– The Legal 500
“One of the most experienced and respected professionals in the field of industrial relations. He is capable of providing top-level assistance owing to a very high level of legal expertise and great experience in particularly complex transactions.”
“A champion of labour, highly specialized in restructuring and corporate reorganization.”
“Great in bargaining, speech very effective. Top in advising executives and employers; strong litigator.”
– Legalcommunity Labour Awards
“He confirms himself as the most accredited Italian labour lawyer, in the elite of the brightest and most competent Italian lawyers tout court. For his direct approach to clients and his ability to manage the most complex industrial and trade union relations, also dealing with reorganisation plans for national and international companies.”
“He is the expression of the contemporary employment lawyer, able to succeed in all employment law, industrial relations and employment litigation matters as well as to cooperate in drafting national collective agreements.”
“He assists the main Italian company groups and multinational companies without forgetting the outreach activities.”
– Le Fonti Awards
As a further aid to businesses in preventing possible disputes, Angelo Zambelli has published the following reference books:
- Author, “International Labour and Employment Compliance Handbook” – Italian Section, International Bar Association and Wolters Kluwer, Ninth Edition (2012 – 2021), 2021
- Author, “Italy: Employment & Labour Law Q&A” – The Legal 500 and The In-House Lawyer, Fifth Edition, 2021
- Co-Author, “Manuale di Diritto del Lavoro” (Employment and Labour Law General Handbook) – Il Sole 24 Ore, 2019
- Author, “Crisi Aziendale e Rapporto di Lavoro” (Company Crisis and Employment Relationship) – collection of five books, Il Sole 24 Ore, 2018 (this was awarded as Best Book on Employment Law by the Labour Consultants Association of Milan in 2019)
- Author, “Diritto Sindacale – Le Relazioni Industriali dopo il Jobs Act” (Trade Union Law – Industrial Relations after the Jobs Act in Italy) – Il Sole 24 Ore, 2015
- Author, “Licenziamenti Individuali e Collettivi Prima e Dopo il Jobs Act” (Individual and Collective Dismissals Before and After the Jobs Act) – Il Sole 24 Ore, 2015
- Author, “La Nuova Riforma del Lavoro: Licenziamenti Collettivi” (The New Labour Law Reform: Collective Dismissals) – Il Sole 24 Ore, 2014
Angelo Zambelli
- Phone
- +39 020 203 0830
- Address
Via San Damiano 9
20122 MI
+39 020 203 0830
- Languages
- Italian, English, French, Spanish
Angelo Zambelli, Founding and Managing Partner of the firm, is a leading expert in employment law, labour law and industrial relations, as well as in all related labour disputes.
He has in-depth experience in the planning and concrete implementation of extraordinary finance operations and restructuring, reorganisation and downsizing plans of companies belonging to national and international groups.
He works closely with the client, assisting it in the complex activities of managing labour relations and often representing it at the negotiating table.
He flanks his daily forensic duties with the didactive activities thanks to the frequent publication of articles and books for important sector newspapers and publishers such as Il Sole 24 Ore and Wolters Kluwer.
He regularly participates, as a speaker or lecturer, in numerous conferences or courses organised by Il Sole 24 Ore, Synergia, Paradigma, AGI (Associazione Giuslavoristi Italiani), AIDP (Associazione Italiana per la Direzione del Personale), EELA (European Employment Lawyers Association), ABA (American Bar Association), IBA (International Bar Association) and AELC (American Employment Law Council).
He is ranked in the most important international directories (Chambers and Partners, Who’s Who Legal, The Legal 500) as one of the leading players in the field.