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7. Best Practices

Tips, recommendations and common pitfalls. 

Employers should:

  • Obtain legal advice as soon as possible and if necessary, financial advice.
  • Review contracts of employment, industrial instruments, and statutory obligations, as well as any policies or documents such as handbooks to ensure compliance.
  • Ensure they consult with employees about change (including consultation with unions where applicable).
  • Ensure compliance with Work Health and Safety obligations.
  • Ensure compliance with any public health orders or regulations.
  • Implement any changes necessary to ensure compliance and safety as identified.
  • Ensure proper support for employees, including assistance programs generally, counselling, financial advice, health advice etc as appropriate to the workforce.


Disclaimer: We note that nothing in this FAQ article constitutes legal advice. Anybody wishing to obtain specific guidance in relation to their circumstances should seek advice from a qualified legal practitioner and not rely on this article.

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