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3. Health and Safety Measures

Requirements mandated by law or any official guidance.

  • Royal Decree 463/2020 restricted the free movement of people and the closure of venues and businesses not considered essential. Companies have the obligation to inform, as soon as possible, about the existence of the risk and to adopt organisational or preventive measures that, temporarily, avoid situations of social contact, without the need to stop their activity. Companies have the obligation to guarantee health and safety in the workplace, according to the Action Procedure for Occupational Risk Prevention Services against exposure to COVID-19 that was published on February 28.

Measures typically implemented by employers and the associated legal risks, limitations, obligations and issues to consider.

  • The preventive measures that should be adopted in the workplace will depend on the specific working conditions of the position. Notably, the Ministry of Health published a document entitled "Procedure for the prevention services of occupational risks of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 ”, which includes a series of preventive measures that must be adopted in the workplace. These prevention measures can be categorised as organisational measures, which includes applying measures to minimise contact between workers, such as organising shifts during working hours, redistributing spaces to guarantee the safety distance of 2 meters, reorganising tasks and facilitating remote working, etc.; collective protection measures, such as providing physical separation barriers, like windows, screens, transparent curtains and applying a more exhaustive cleaning service; and as personal protection measures, such as imposing the use of a masks, gloves and disinfectant gel for each worker. There are also Protocols with preventive measures for the trade sector to reopen depending on each specific sector.
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