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Employment contracts in Brazil
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Employment contracts in Brazil

Minimum requirements

In Brazil, workers may be hired in several ways, but the most common practice is to hire workers as employees. An employment relation is characterised by the simultaneous presence of four requisites: (i) services rendered on a personal basis; (ii) on a permanent/habitual basis; (iii) with subordination (i.e., the services are rendered under the direction of a supervisor); and (iv) in view of remuneration in consideration for the services rendered. Whenever the requisites of employment relation are not present in a labour relation, the parties are free to structure it in a different way other than employment, such as: independent contractors/consultants, service providers/outsourced workers, temporary workers, intern, non-employed officers, among others, provided that the specific rules and regulations regarding such other forms are complied with. The Labour Code is applicable solely for employees, while the other work structures are governed by different statutes.

Fixed-term/Open-ended Contracts

Employment agreements in Brazil are usually for an indefinite term. As per the Labour Code, fixed-term employment agreements are only allowed: (a) for up to two years when: (1) the temporary nature of the service justifies a pre-established term, or (2) the business activities have a temporary nature. The fixed-term agreement may become an indefinite term employment agreement (if certain criteria is met). In addition, a new type of hiring was introduced – “intermittent work” – wherein the employee renders services with subordination, alternating between periods of provision of services and inactivity, but not on a habitual basis. The employee can work for any other employer during the inactivity periods.

Trial Period

The trial period, also called “probation period”, may be established for a period up to 90 days and may be renewed once if the limit of 90 days is observed, e.g., 45 days renewable for 45 days, or 30 days renewable for 60 days.

Notice Period

The notice period, also called “prior notice”, is only applicable in the event of termination of employment agreements for an indefinite term. In the event of termination of the employment agreement for an indefinite term, without cause and upon the employer´s initiative, the employer must provide the employee with a prior notice proportional to the length of service; minimum of 30 days if the employee has worked up to 1 year and 3 additional days for each year of service limited to 60 additional days (maximum of 90 days prior notice). In the case of a termination of employment agreements for an indefinite term, without cause and upon the employee’s initiative (resignation), the employee must provide a prior notice to the employer of 30 days or request to be released from working during the prior notice period. In the event of termination by mutual consent, the prior notice period will be reduced by half.

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