international employment law firm alliance L&E Global

5. Managing COVID-19-Related Employee Issues

Management of quarantine, childcare and medical leave for employees affected by COVID-19.

Medical leaves are permitted to cover sickness periods, including childcare in some cases. When an employee is under a medical leave certificate, the salary is covered by the social security system (capped amounts/rates apply).

Employees who fear infection and refuse to work.

An employee cannot refuse to work, except if granted with a medical leave certificate. However, if an employee reasonably considers that the employer has not taken the necessary health protection measures, and believes to be at serious risk, the law allows for the employee to leave the workplace. Employers can challenge this action before in court or before the Department of Labour.

Disclosure of employees who are infected.

The employer must report to the health authority (or by means of the administrator of the labour accidents insurance) any accident or professional disease that occurred at the workplace; including COVID-19 infections.


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