international employment law firm alliance L&E Global
Czech Republic

5. Managing COVID-19-Related Employee Issues

Management of quarantine, childcare and medical leave for employees affected by COVID-19.

Quarantine and medical leave are among the many obstacles impacting an employee’s ability to work. Payment of salary compensation (60% of reduced average earnings) during the first 14 days is provided by the employer and thereafter by the government by means of the social insurance. The Czech government provides childcare benefits to parents whose children, under the age of 13, stayed home due to COVID-19 related school closings.

Employees who fear infection and refuse to work.

Only an employee whose fear is reasonable, may be entitled to refuse to work (e.g. the employer does not ensure their safety). Employees would otherwise breach their employment contract by not working.

Disclosure of employees who are infected.

An employee is not legally obliged to notify his/her employer that he/she was infected, but he/she has to notify the Regional Hygiene Station, which in turn will decide who else should be notified and possibly quarantined. If the employer is aware of the infection, only those employees who could be reasonably in danger should be notified (to avoid panic and protect the infected employee’s privacy).

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