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Trade Unions and Employers Associations in Singapore
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Trade Unions and Employers Associations in Singapore

Brief Description of Employees’ and Employers’ Associations

Trade unions are generally uncommon in Singapore, though present in certain specific industries such as transport and manufacturing. Trade unions in Singapore are regulated in accordance with the Trade Unions Act of Singapore and other related legislation administered by the Registry of Trade Unions.

Rights and Importance of Trade Unions

While trade unions are not common in Singapore, they are recognised by the MOM as working to:

  • promote good industrial relations between workers and employers;
  • improve the working conditions, as well as the economic and social status of workers; and
  • increase productivity for the benefit of workmen, employers and the economy of Singapore.

Types of Representation

Trade unions must first be registered with the Registrar of Trade Unions and then be accorded recognition by the employer before it can represent its members.

Tasks and Obligations of Representatives

Trade unions generally would assist in the carrying out of collective bargaining, negotiation for terms of collective agreements and representing members in trade disputes.

Other Types of Employee Representative Bodies

There are no other types of employee representative bodies in Singapore.

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