L&E Global Members Recognised in Select WWL 2019 Publications
The following alliance members have been selected by independent research with clients and peers for recognition in the Who’s Who Legal: Labor, Employment & Benefits 2019.
China: Labour & Employment 2019 – WWL says: Carol Zhu is a leader in Chinese labour and employment law where she is a go-to name on matters of contract, human resources and employee liability and compliance.
France: Labour & Employment 2019 – WWL says: Flichy Grangé Avocats is home to some of the country’s top names in the labour and employment field, four of whom are included in our guide this year. Florence Aubonnet is “an excellent lawyer” who is “very well known in the market”. She is highly thought of by peers who note she is “highly active in corporate transactions”. Joël Grangé is “an outstanding figure” who “sets the bar for French lawyers” according to sources. He is adept on collective redundancies, restructurings and employee savings schemes. Olivier Kress receives widespread commendation for his handling of outsourcing and restructuring matters. A fluent Italian speaker, peers state that he “has a strong understanding of the Italian market”. Hubert Flichy is highly recommended by peers for his outstanding work on both disputes and advisory matters, such as collective litigation and domestic and international restructurings.
Germany: Labour & Employment 2019 – WWL says: Tobias Pusch is “an extremely intelligent and really brilliant lawyer” who stands out among peers for his “well-prepared and focused approach” to corporate restructurings, discrimination cases and labour agreements.
Mexico: Labour and Employment 2019 – WWL says: Oscar De la Vega Gomez at De la Vega & Martínez Rojas is “a very well-known labour lawyer in the Mexican market” who is “very well prepared and has a focus on all aspects of labour and employment practice”. Ricardo Martinez Rojas is “an excellent and important lawyer in the market”. Sources highlight his “great social security and collective negotiation experience”.
Switzerland: Labour & Employment 2019 – WWL says: Humbert Heinzen Lerch Attorneys at Law achieves two listings in this chapter. Denis Humbert “is definitely a name to know”and is widely regarded as “one of the leading Swiss employment lawyers” by peers. He draws praise for “his outstanding conduct in negotiations, extraordinary knowledge and sharp intellect”. André Lerch enjoys “an excellent reputation” for his superb labour and employment practice and is well known for providing sophisticated advice on termination agreements and collective redundancies.